

Guidelines protect the rights and liberty of each individual child and the group as a whole. They promote the internalization of pro-social behaviours and values including self-control and impulses, consideration for others, and a sense of responsibility for oneself and the welfare of the group. These guidelines can help to make life easier, make the days run more smoothly, and are to be kept to a minimum, stated and presented in a positive manner with an emphasis in empathy, safety, and respect. The results will benefit all members of the group including teachers. Some of these guidelines include:

  • The child selects a material to use from the shelf, and walks to a suitable table, floor and/or other designated workspace.
  • The child is free to use the material as long as they like and as long it is treated with respect.
  • After using the materials, the child return it to its place on the shelf, the same was it was, for the next child to use it.
  • The child restores the environment, clean up spills and messes fold and place rugs in proper order and tuck the chair in after each activity.
  • The child is free to work alone; no child will be forced to share his/her materials if he/she has chosen it first.
  • Other common guidelines will be establish in different situations, to insure safety if special equipment is used, when traveling as a group, etc.

Positive Guidance Techniques

The teachers and staff of the centre will use positive reinforcement; redirection of undesirable behaviour and positive phrasing of direction to guide the child’s behaviour. The teachers encourage verbal means to solve conflicts with another child, and meets with the children to discuss unsolved behaviour problems. When necessary, teachers will meet with parents to discuss behaviour problems. At Mountview we believe that encouragement and acknowledging positive efforts creates a positive response.

As per Child Care Regulations Act, section # 27, no child will be subject to shoving, hitting, shaking, speaking or any other form of corporal punishment. The child won’t be subject to harsh, belittling or degrading treatment whether verbal, emotional or physical which would humiliate the child or undermine the child’s self esteem and respect.

We also ensure that no child under our care and supervision is physical restrained, confined, kept without adult supervision apart from other children or deprived of meals, snacks, or the necessary use of the bathroom.

The staff in Mums Montessori childcare center will provide the child with the opportunities to correct their behaviour through reminders, encouragement and direction. As well, the staff will present the consequences of inappropriate behaviour in a clear and respectful way. This consequence should be reasonable, age appropriate, immediate and followed through. Time outs, leave the place where the conflict arises or ‘not using this specific material” at that time are examples of reasonable consequences.

Snacks and Meals

The parents will provide afternoon snack and lunch. We have share snack in the morning which parents will provide for children. There will be a sign up sheet posted on the lobby bulletin board, check your name for your snack date. They should be nutritious and healthy. We recommend checking the Canadian Health Guide, where you will find what your child’s needs are. Feel free to discuss with the staff some menu options for your child, and we will be glad to help you. Please do not send candy, chocolate, cakes, cookies or potato chips. Choose no-sugar juices, and select among a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, such as celery, carrots, broccoli, apple wedges or cheese. We would ask that you refrain from sending peanut butter, since children with allergies may react severely. We will post any other allergies that we may have.

Parents Help and Participation

We value your skills and access to various resources. Please let us know if you can contribute to our program with your talents and knowledge. We will appreciate it. Parent participation in field trips, special events and celebrations, curriculum planning and ideas, etc, is not mandatory, but we do value and encourage your help and assistance in these opportunities if you are available.

Field Trips

Field trips or visits to neighbouring community workers, is also part of the program, and we will let you know with enough anticipation. Permission forms will be sent home in advance.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Working together is the key to achieve our goals, and you are more than welcome to share your ideas, interests, questions and concerns. If however, you would like to make an appointment with the teachers to discuss your concerns, we will be happy to schedule a meeting.

Attendance and Dismissal

We will be checking attendance everyday in the morning. For safety reasons, please advise the centre if your child is not going to be coming to day care, and upon arrival check in with the teachers, and take a minute or two to discuss the child’s needs for the day. If someone other than the parents or caregivers will be picking up the child, please inform the teachers.

At pick-up time, we ask the parent or guardian to let the teacher know, and sign out the center.

Release of the Child (Alternate Pick-ups)

Families must tell the center or staff, in writing, if the child is going to be picked up by someone other than the caregiver who is not in the registration forms. If an emergency happens the parent can call the center and inform by phone of who is going to pick-up the child.

If an unauthorized person arrives at the center to pick up the child, the staff will not release the child until the parents or guardian can be reached. This policy of releasing the child will be reminded to the parents at this moment.

If the parents agreed to release the child to this person, the staff will ask information such as name, address, telephone number, and a physical description. The staff will ask as well for a valid Driver’s License or a photo ID of this person. If there are any problems, the staff will make any reasonable efforts to ensure the safety of the child, if necessary; the staff may need to call the police for assistance.

Alleged Impaired Authorized Pick-Ups

It is the staff legal responsibility, to the extent that is possible, not to release a child to a person that is not unable to provide good care. If this person is driving a vehicle, and seems that is unable to drive, the staff will explain this person that driving under this circumstances (alcohol or drug abuse), is unsafe for the child, and the staff is obligated to ensure the safety of the children. If this person still decides to drive, the staff will immediately call the police, and notify the Ministry of Children and Family Development, phone number if they believe the child is in need of protection.

Late Pick-up

Late fees will be applied to late pick-ups. A fee of 10$ per 15 minutes period past closing time will be paid by the parent or guardian.

Fail to Pick-up

In the case that parents fail to pick up their children, the staff will call the emergency contacts provided by the families. If the emergency contacts are not reached, the staff will wait a period of 30 minutes, and call the Ministry of Children and Family Development at 604-310-1234.

Custody Access

If a family has a custody agreement or court order, a copy must be provided and placed in the child’s file. If a court order is not in place and parents or families are in conflict, the center will not be able to take care of the child unless both parents and families sign a written agreement.

Child Abuse

The Child, Family and Community Service Act states the every child in the province should be protected from abuse, neglect or harm or threat of harm. The Act also states that any person who has a reason to believe that a child needs protection must quickly report the matter to the Ministry of Children and Family Development. A child is in need of protection if:

  • The child is, has been or is likely to be harmed, sexually, physically or emotionally.
  • The child is deprived of the necessary care.
  • The family is unwilling to provide protection for the child.

The legal requirements outlined in the Act are:

  • The duty to report.
  • Ability to give enough reasons to believe the child is being abused.
  • Confidentiality of information.
  • Removal of the child and family notification of removal.

Missing Child

The safety of the child is the most important goal of the center. If a child cannot be found in 10 minutes of searching, then the RCMP will be notified and a missing report will be filed. The child’s family will be contacted. Staff will also complete an incident report, before the end of the same day, and call the Centre’s Licensing Officer.

Illness and Emergencies

It is very important for the teachers and staff to be able to contact the parents in the case of an emergency. If you change your work/home/emergency contacts phone number, please inform us immediately. With your registration, you will be asked to fill in an emergency contact person, try to keep this information up to date with the centre.

If your child exhibits symptoms of an impeding sickness or if your child has a current contagious disease, we will ask you to keep the child at home. Parents will be phoned to pick up the children who are sick. We will ask you to keep your child at home if she/he exhibits some of these symptoms:

  • Has a communicable disease
  • Has a contagious infection, such as pink eye
  • Has over 38 degrees Celsius within 24 hours
  • Has a skin infection or an undiagnosed rash
  • Is not well enough to participate in the activities, indoors and outdoors

If a child becomes ill during the day, the staff will try to call the parents or guardians. If not reached, the staff will phone emergency contacts. Staff will provide a quiet area with close supervision until the parents or guardians, or a contact person can come and pick up the child.

Emergency Procedures and Emergency Kits

An accurate diagram of the room will be posted in the center. The diagram will indicate the exits in red, exit routs and fire extinguishers. A designated approved alternate location will be noted in the diagram, and fire drill practices will be held once a month.

We ask the families to provide the center with emergency comfort kits, which should include:

  • A special comfort objects such a small blanket.
  • A family picture.
  • A short note to the child.
  • A nutritious non-perishable snack, such as fruit leather or granola bars.
  • Two band-aids.
  • A recipe card with the child’s care card number, emergency contacts, out of town numbers and allergies.
  • A waterproof poncho.

Health Forms

All parents are required to fill out the application forms regarding health, behaviour, medical history and immunization records.

More health issues…

If you are not sure your child should be going to school, please check with your family Doctor, or the North Shore Community Health Office.

Clothing and Belongings

Your child should have a pair of slippers for indoors and a waterproof jacket and boots for outdoor play. Their clothing should be washable, loose and comfortable. Please, clearly label all garments, boots and bags. For resting and naptime, the child will need a pillow with a pillowcase, a bed sheet and a blanket. These should be taken home at the end of every week for washing. As well, we ask the families to provide the child with extra clothing and a toothbrush, all labelled with the child’s name.

Your child is encouraged to bring a knapsack to school, to store their artwork, mittens and hats, and can be hung neatly.

Birthdays and Celebrations

We will celebrate multicultural holidays recognized by the children. Birthdays may be recognized with cakes or cupcakes if parents desire, preferable low in sugar. Staff will be alert of allergies and inform parents.

Childcare Subsidy

The Provincial Government of British Columbia may provide childcare subsidy for qualified families. Go to your local office of the Ministry of Children and Family Development, or ask the teachers and staff and we will be happy to help you.


Parents wishing to withdraw from the program must notify the staff and administration, in writing, 30 days (1 month) in advance. If we do not receive a notice, a charge of one month’s fee will be charged.

Ending Comments

We intend to give your children the tools that will heighten their development and make their early childhood years a happy experience. We are confident that working hand and hand with you, the families of Mums Montessori Childcare Center, we will make this program a success.

For more information do not hesitate to call us at 604-9861016.